Where We Are

Lam Rim Buddhist Center - Where We Are

Connect with us at our Johannesburg Centre

The Centre which is situated close the Brixton tower is placed on a higher elevation as with many other Buddhist Centres, it comprises of a large authentic shrine room used for Teachings and meditations a large hall used for a number of different purposes a cosy tea-room and library a small yoga studio and a house for tenants and visiting Teachers all within the grounds of a large tranquil garden.

Parking is on site and secure.

Help us continue Lam Rim’s role as a Dharma Centre​

Lam Rim South Africa is heavily reliant on donations for an income, especially in the absence of a passive income stream coming from the rental of rooms on the property which over the past few years has not been forthcoming, it can only continue its role as a Dharma Centre with the kindness and generosity of these donations.